Autor Wątek: IARU R1  (Przeczytany 8235 razy)

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Offline SP3AMO

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« dnia: Czerwiec 19, 2018, 10:01:30 am »
 ITU officially confirms: Z6 (Kosovo) prefix is illegal
 In a repost by YT9TP (Serbia) it would appear that the International Telecommunication Union has officially confirmed use of the Z6 prefix is illegal.
 This from ITU Operational Bulletin No. 1149, June 1st 2018.
 Call sign series can be allocated only to the administrations of the ITU Member States by world radio communication conferences or, between radio communication conferences, by the ITU Secretary-General.
 In this respect, the attention of the ITU administrations is drawn to the fact that ITU has not allocated call sign series Z6 to any of its Member States. Consequently, the utilization of call signs series Z6 by any entity without a formal allocation and consent of the ITU represents an unauthorized and illegal usage of this international numbering resource.”
 Source: SouthGate
 73 Tom DF5JL / HF Manager

Do waszej wiadomości.
Marek SP3AMO, HF Manager PZK.

Offline SP3AMO

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Odp: IARU R1
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Czerwiec 23, 2018, 10:14:07 am »
With astonishment I have read the EURAO Frequency Guide, which contains some potential for conflict. For example, frequencies for the ROS broadcast are proposed that are not in line with our band plan.

How should we react to that?

73 Tom DF5JL / HF Manager

Do waszej wiadomości.
Marek SP3AMO

Offline SQ2EEQ

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Odp: IARU R1
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Czerwiec 23, 2018, 11:49:26 am »
co to jest EURAO..?Gdzie to ma umocowanie - w ITU, w IARU..?Z tego co wiem, to takie coś przypominające pewną polską fundację, odpowiednik organizacji CB ale obejmującej zakresy HF/VHF,  obywatelskie stowarzyszenie radioamatorów, za 10 Euro rocznie dostaniesz legitymację z podpisem prezesa i możliwość dobrego samopoczucia. Band plany ich nie dotyczą, bo wymyślił je ktoś, kto chce ograniczać swobody obywatelskie, sami zaś, będąc rzecznikiem nie wiadomo kogo, ogłaszają swoje, używają nazw i skrótów znanych wtajemniczonym (co to jest ROS..?). To trzeba zgłosić do ITU jako nielegalną działalność. Ciśnienie na bycie prezesem fundacji, organizacji, związku czy czegokolwiek innego jest ogromne, i rośnie w miarę coraz to słabszego rozumienia techniki, na rzecz wiedzy bardzo ogólnej, pozbawionej wzorów, zasad, praw, dzięki czemu możliwej do poddania dowolnej manipulacji. Jedną z niewielu zasad, o której się nie zapomina, jest "oko za oko".
Co zrobić, pyta kolega...  Odpowiadam: donieść, zamknąć, zlikwidować, spalić, utopić. Zapomnieć.
73, de stan sq2eeq

« Ostatnia zmiana: Czerwiec 24, 2018, 12:07:10 am wysłana przez SQ2EEQ »

Offline SP3AMO

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Odp: IARU R1
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Czerwiec 27, 2018, 07:45:58 pm »
Coś w tym rodzaju .... przedstawiciela Polskich Krótkofalowców na razie tam nie ma.
Marek SP3AMO, HF Manager PZK.
P.S. Na dole pliku masz adres WWW tej organizacji. Tam możesz obejrzeć szczegóły.

Offline SP3AMO

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Odp: IARU R1
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Czerwiec 27, 2018, 07:48:43 pm »
 The ZS SOTA Weekend now has 5 summits to be activated, starting with two on 28 June!
The ZS5 Sprint is on Sunday.
Get your copy of HF Happenings at
Dennis, ZS4BS
 I jeszcze informacja od Denisa z południowej półkuli Ziemi.
Marek SP3AMO

Offline SP3AMO

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Odp: IARU R1
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Lipiec 07, 2018, 03:06:02 pm »
IARU informuje, przestrzega - mamy nowe zagrożenie pasm amatorskich KF.
 Please feel free to translate, to edit and to publish the following article.
 73, Tom Kamp DF5JL
 IARU Region 1 HF Manager
 WPT-EV - The End of Shortwave?
 No clutter, no dirty hands, no pitfalls - the car industry is convinced
 that electric cars will be charged wirelessly in the future. The idea: A
 high-frequency field inductively transmits the energy to a receiver coil
 in the vehicle. The whole thing is called "Wireless Power Transmission
 for Electrical Vehicles" (WPT-EV): For loading the driver parks his car
 over a pad with the transmitter unit. It is charged with powers up to 20
 kilowatts at 79 to 90 kHz. The efficiency should be up to 85 percent,
 according to the developer companies.
 Compared to wired charging stations, inductive charging technology
 requires less space in the garage or parking garage. A comfortable
 affair, then. But what happens when high energies are transmitted at
 such frequencies? The IARU deals intensively with this question.
 Although WPT-EV high-power charging systems do not work on amateur radio
 frequencies, there is a strong fear that harmonics generated by these
 systems and other out-of-band signals could cause interference in the
 bands of other radio services - even in our amateur radio bands.
 The amateur radio service is particularly vulnerable because it often
 works with comparatively low signals. The Reverse Beacon Network (RBN),
 a real-time database powered by hundreds of CW receiving stations around
 the world, shows that more than half of these signals are at a
 signal-to-noise ratio of less than 15 dB (at 500 Hz bandwidth). A
 significant increase in the background noise level would therefore have
 a very harmful effect on amateur radio. Even in rural environments,
 noise levels have already risen, due to millions of low-power digital
 devices (switching power supplies, LED lighting systems, etc.). Any
 further significant deterioration of the background noise level will
 affect the performance of the amateur radio service.
 The current ITU limits for emissions in the noise region of short-range
 devices are defined in ITU-R SM.329-12. There are indications that some
 WPT-EV developers are using them as a basis for planning. Using these
 limits, it is concluded that WPT-EV spurs could exceed the current
 background noise level by up to 40-50 dB. The IARU believes that the
 planned density of WPT-EV systems will have a significant impact on
 radio traffic. A first study [1] shows that existing limits do not
 provide adequate protection, and that without these limits being
 tightened, the coexistence of radio communications services and WPT-EV
 systems in the same environment is not possible.
 But technology companies and the car industry are already considering a
 next stage of wireless charging. In the so-called "Wireless Electric
 Vehicle Charging" (WEVC), for example, a high-frequency magnetic field
 with 85 kHz is generated in the roadway. This should allow loading in
 flowing traffic. On a test track in Versailles, it has already been
 possible to transmit powers of up to 20 kilowatts to the moving car.
 [1] IARU: Study of the Impact of Wireless Power Transfer Systems for
 Electrical Vehicles Operating in the 79-90kHz Range on Radio
 Communication Systems at the Amateur Service, 28 May 2018. See also:
  Posted by: "HF Committee Chairman (C4)" <>

Marek SP3AMO, HF Manager PZK

Offline SP3AMO

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Odp: IARU R1
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Lipiec 07, 2018, 08:15:30 pm »
Chyba trochę pośpieszyłem się .... nie będę kasował tej ostatniej wiadomości.
Marek SP3AMO, HF Manager PZK

Offline SP3AMO

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Odp: IARU R1
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Lipiec 07, 2018, 08:21:10 pm »
Ten artykuł ukaże się dopiero w sierpniowym CQDL .... będę musiał to jakoś wytłumaczyć Tomowi ....
Marek SP3AMO

Offline SP3AMO

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Odp: IARU R1
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Lipiec 09, 2018, 10:45:06 pm »
With 300kW from Wittenberg via Vienna - on the occasion of WRTC 2018 RADIO DARC will broadcast two special programs. See more at
73 Tom DF5JL, DARC HF Manager
Już odwiedziłem stronę .... ciekawe informacje.
Marek SP3AMO

Offline SP3AMO

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Odp: IARU R1
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Lipiec 16, 2018, 09:58:38 pm »

Miha, S51FB, ZRS IARU liasion officer, has informed me today that since
14 JUL 2018, after updated national legislation related to the
radioamateur service, 60m band is available to S5 radioamateurs as follows:

    frequency band:    5351,5 - 5366,5 kHz
    power:                    15 W EIRP
    usage:                     secondary basis
    available to:            Class A operators

Congratulations Miha!

73 Tom DF5JL
HF Manager, IARU Region 1

Do waszej wiadomości, Marek SP3AMO, HF Manager PZK